Contact Us

If you have sales questions, you can contact us via email through the members area by joining as a free member. We provide technical support for paid memberships only.

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The Easy Way
To Build A Website

No Experience Or Coding Required




Am I locked into a contract with EasyBuild?

No, you are never locked into a contract with EasyBuild. You may cancel your memebership at anytime.

Are there any other costs involved to build a website?

In order to build a website using the EasyBuild method, you will need to register your own domain name and purchase a hosting account. These costs are very nominal, and typcally range anywere from $10-$15 per year for domain name registration, and around $5 per month for a hosting account.

Does EasyBuild provide domain name registration or hosting services?

No, EasyBuild does not currently provide domain name registration or hosting services, however these processes are covered in the training.

What happens if I cancel my EasyBuild membership?

Upon cancellation, you will lose access to the EasyBuild Member’s Area and all training material contained therein. Your Divi license key will also become invalid, at which point you will not receive any further Divi theme updates, and you will lose access to all prebuilt layouts, Divi AI, and Divi Den Pro features. If you wish to continue receiving Divi updates and access prebuilt layouts, you will either need to reactivate your EasyBuild membership or purchase a Divi license key directly through Elegant Themes. If you purchase a license key directly through Elegant Themes, you will also have to purchase any extra features separately, such as Divi AI and Divi Den Pro.

Will I lose my website if I cancel my EasyBuild membership?

No, you will not lose any previous work to your website, provided that you keep your domain registration and hosting plan current with your chosen service provider. However, your Divi license key will become invalid, at which point you will not receive any further Divi theme updates, and you will lose access to all prebuilt layouts, Divi AI, and Divi Den Pro features. If you wish to continue receiving Divi updates and access prebuilt layouts, you will either need to reactivate your EasyBuild membership or purchase a Divi license key directly through Elegant Themes. If you purchase a license key directly through Elegant Themes, you will also have to purchase any extra features separately, such as Divi AI and Divi Den Pro.

* Divi is a registered trademark of Elegant Themes, Inc., a division of Wilson Digital LLC, is not affiliated with nor endorsed by Elegant Themes.

* Affiliate Disclaimer: Content may contain links to affiliate websites through which we receive affiliate commissions for any purchases made.